We are passionate about fitness and health and found parkor to be a great way to include fitness into your life without competition, team commitment or bordem. We developed our parkour program in 2009, and started the first class at LGA in 2010. We truly enjoy teaching parkour and have seen amazing results and progress throughout our years of teaching, which has inspired our commitment to the practice.
A Little About Us
Jason is a graduate from Columbia University, NY, with a degree is psychology and comparative religion with a minor in music. He started doing parkour while living in New York and found a sense of peace and focus while practicing the physically challenging moves of parkour. It is a great way to practice mental and physical focus, and requires no real equiptment or previous experience. He went to college to play football and threw discus for the track and field team. He has many years of coaching experience and particularly enjoys connecting with youth. He is passionate about parkour and the many improvements it can bring, both physicallly and mentally to people of all ages.
Sam is a graduate from the University of Kansas with a degree in Molecular Bioscience. She is a research assistant at the Stowers Institute for
Medical Science and passionate about cognitive neuroscience. She was a certified pilates instructor in college and found great joy in teaching fitness and group exercise. Seeing results is such a strong rewarding joy, and the science behind cognitive improvement through physical exercise is undeniable. She is particularly interested in the neural basis for goal directed behavior and motivation, and the influence of gut microbiota on normal physiology and its contribution to disease states. She hopes to attend graduate school soon and obtain a Ph.D in Neuroscience.
Jake is a WFPF and Trace AD certified coach with several years experience in gymnastics, tricking, parkour and freerunning. Jake has taken over the Eugene Program and we look forward to him imparting his excellent demeanor and rapport with the students, his tremendous technical ability and his knowledgable presence with the entire Eugene community.
By combining our passions for physical exercise, cognitive improvement and teaching, we hope to offer a physically challenging curriculum in an interactive, creative, safe environment.